About the blog

The idea of this blog is to collect vegan recipes of foods that are traditionally non-vegan. This idea was first conducted in Finnish, so most of the recipes have been translated from the original blog called Vegaaninen versio. Since I haven't found a similar blog in English either, I decided to do one myself.

The purpose of this blog is not to offer all kinds of vegan recipes; there is already many excellent blogs for that purpose. Therefore, this blog is solely concentrating on so-called vegan substitutes. I hope to show that most of the non-vegan foods can be made without animal products. The aim is to help people make their food vegan, instead of using animal ingredients. I would even say that as for the benefit of animals, people and the planet, these recipes beat the original versions. So, these recipes are not just substitutes, but actually a one step further in developing our food culture more sustainable. That is why I see these not so much as substitutes, but improved versions of foods they 'imitate'.

I hope this blog can help people to eat foods many have got accustomed to eat, but without the suffering of animals.

Enjoy with good conscience!

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